How do I get “Save As” Shortcut in my Mac?

The Mac “Save As” keyboard shortcut is a feature that allows people to quickly save a new version of an active document without having to rewrite the currently active document; it’s been believed to be perfect for many productivity situations where one would want to save a current file as a different file type. This can be aimed for compatibility reasons or as a backup version, or as a separate copy in a new location, or any number of reasons.

“Save As” Shortcut in my MacOS Mojave

The “Save As” shortcut is used as a default option in the Mac OS “File” menu, but now it’s hidden by default.  Don’t worry; with an easy keyboard app shortcut you can regain the uber-convenient “Save As” option in your File menu along with the “Command + Shift + S keystroke combo.” It is quite similar to what many longtime Mac users are accustomed to using.


“Save As” Shortcut Keystroke & File Menu Item in Mac OS

To get “Save As” Shortcut in MacOS Mojave, follow these steps:

  1. Open Apple menu and go to System Preferences.
  2. Open Keyboard and go to Shortcuts.
  3. Here, select App Shortcuts and press the + plus button for creating a new shortcut for All Applications.
  4. Now, you need to set the following for the keyboard shortcut:
  • Application: All Apps
  • Menu Title: “Save As…”
  • Keyboard Shortcut: tap into the field, then hit Command + Shift + S simultaneously
  1. Tap on the Add button to complete adding the Save As keyboard shortcut to your Mac.
  2. Exit the System Preferences when you are done.

We are assuming that you’ve followed the instructions in the right manner; the “Save As” will now appear by default in your ‘File’ menu of apps. Moreover, it becomes available right away as the Command Shift S keyboard shortcut is pressed.

You can now test this out on your own by going to any app that supports file saving. Though you’ll get the File menu is including the “Save As” option by default, in company with the keyboard shortcut.

Hope this information will help you get the Save As option in your Mac. All the best!

Graccey Leio is a self-professed security specialist; she has been build the people aware of the security threats. Her obsession is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, societal engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton Antivirus products at

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